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One with All

Reiki is the universal energy all around us.
While undergoing a treatment, this energie is guided through your body.

It relaxes and heals.

It is the softest energy transition in our school, bringing you back in contact with yourself

You can now learn to give reiki yourself.
You are atuned during an initiation (one weekend)
Afterwards we organise a monthly reiki practice evening on fridays.

We starten elk jaar ook met een reiki II jaartraject.
Tijdens een heel jaar leer en oefen je de verschillende aspecten van de tweede graad.
Het is een intensieve verderzetting van je eerste graad en vraagt behoorlijk wat engagement.



As a reiki student , it might come in handy to have a longer period of time to yourself.

As a reiki student , it might come in handy to have a longer period of time to yourself.

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